Templates in C++

Templates in C++

Standard Template Libraries in C++

  • STL is Standard Template Library.
  • It is a powerful set of C++ template classes.
  • At the core of C++ Standard Template Library are following three well-structured components.
    • Containers
    • Algorithms
    • Iterators

Ohh! have I gotten far ahead from the topic, Sumimasen!

Coming straight back to the topic, Here is all about templates in C++.

Templates in C++ Language

The keyword template is used to define function templates and class templates in our C++ program. It introduces generic programming, which makes a way for programmers to write more efficient code.

So, now there are two ways in which we can use template,

  • Function template

    Function template is also known as generic function.

syntax creating function template:

template<class type> 
type func_name(type arg1, type arg2, ....){
// here type is a placeholder for generalisation of data type.

It creates a function template named func_name with any number of arguments.

आइए इसे एक उदाहरण से समझते हैं,

Program to find the smaller number from the given two numbers without the use of template:

To avoid using different data types in a function, Use template.

Example 2:

  • Class template

    Class template is also known as generic class.
template<class type> 
class class_name{
// here type is also a placeholder to generalise a class.

It creates a class template named class_name.

Let's also learn this with an example, Here we are making a arrayList class without the use of template.

Image explanation of code.


Now, templating our above program will result in increased possibilities of input with the same number of lines of code.

visit : arrayList_with_template.cpp

So, Here we come again, starting with STL, Standard Template Libraries.

  • STL is Standard Template Library.
  • It is a powerful set of C++ template classes.
  • At the core of C++ Standard Template Library are following three well-structured components.
    • Containers
    • Algorithms
    • Iterators

STL will be covered in upcoming nodes. :)

stay tuned...